I propose for you the most success  which treat your problem.

How to treat acne ?

Acne can be treated with ease, using some of the simplest methods available. However, there are many people out there that use complex methods to treat acne. For example, you might look expensive doctors themselves who in turn recommend a barrage of drugs and medical procedures, which in turn burns a hole in your pocket.

All this is completely unnecessary. Just follow the recommendations below to learn how to treat acne from the inside, simple and natural.

Drink lots of water

One of the first things you need to know how to treat acne from the inside is to start eating large amounts of water. More specifically, the target of at least 8 glasses of water each day. Water will help to clean your system from the inside. Over time, toxins properly served, you will find that acne does not appear on the skin in the same way as usual in the past.

Sleep regularly

A system of discipline sleep has always proven to be one of the best ways to defend themselves against the disease. With this thought in mind, it would be desirable to ensure an adequate uninterrupted sleep at least 6-8 hours per day. In addition, the ideal dream must always happen at night when the body is best suited for relaxing and also sometimes Ideally consistent as 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 daily.

Keep acne prone areas clean at all times

A major reason many people still suffer from acne because they do not remain clean acne prone areas. Instead, the oil accumulates, which attracts dust and other external factors that contribute to the formation of acne. If you are a person who is prone to acne, one of the first things you need to do is ensure that you keep your skin clean and dry at all times.

Also, try to avoid dirty and dusty, as much as possible. This includes the floors of the factory workshop which could be used, as these places are usually ideal breeding ground for dirt, dust and dirt.

Follow a diet for acne

An acne diet consists mostly of foods that promote the prevention of acne. Usually, we have seen that foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E which is very good for the skin, which in turn ensures the prevention of acne. Also, foods that contain zinc and selenium are also very good for the skin.

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